Reforms to Health Insurance
Oct 29th, 2009
Through all the new changes of the state and federal laws, it makes it much easier now for self-employed individuals with pre-existing conditions to attain or continues to possess their current medical healthcare coverage. This will now fall under a new law HIPAA or Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This particular act has now set the new benchmark for all insurance corporations in every state to follow and utilize as a guideline.
Many states can now pass different reforms for the innovative and comprehensive health plans they carry within their state as well as the state of New York. HIPAA or Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act have set the state and national standards for all the health provider plans. The various states can pass different reforms for the insurance packages they regulate. Through the site at they explain fully how the entire new rules aid in the types of enhanced health coverage the citizens will receive.
This new additive will be best serving the fully insured group health plans and the affordable health insurance policies to serve the greater good of any population. Some of the items to cover under the HIPAA extension are:
- Continuous coverage under a group plan will now continue regardless of a pre-existing condition and the individual rates will remain the same as the individual remains with the same policy.
- All health plans in New York are exclusionary to all and any pre-existing condition, meaning it can no longer discriminate.
- The individual health insurance or group health plan can no longer discriminate when a self-employed individual receives a diagnosis with a serious, life threatening disease.
The state of New York is currently working diligently on comprehensive reforms to expand and grow the individual access to the health plan insurance reforms. They are also working to guarantee the fair pricing of all insurance premium policies. The majority of insurance policy premiums are a renewable commodity once a year. However, the exact definition may vary based upon the type of insurance the individual decided to enroll. Now and in the future all health care plans and annual premiums for individual policies and group insurance policies are to sell under the guarantee issue.
The new rules that now apply under the new low cost healthcare policies will in turn apply to all self-employed individuals with pre-existing conditions too. This will help tremendously when the individual is between employment and or waiting for a new health plan upgrade from the previous plan.
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