Reproductive Women Declared High Maintenance… Part One
Jul 2nd, 2009
During the reproductive years, reproductive women between the ages of fifteen and forty-four are a great drain on the health insurance industry. During these years, reproductive women require constant screening and medical services in the form of breast screening, pap smears, abortions, preventative contraception, and testing for diseases such as HPV, Chlamydia, and HIV/Aids.
During the reproductive years, if a woman is planning to have two children, the likelihood is she will spend 30 years using one form of contraception or another. There are now three types of contraception methods available – reversible, non-reversible, and emergency contraception. Reversible contraception includes condoms, birth control pills, and injectables. While Caucasian women prefer birth control pills and condoms, women of color seem to prefer injectables to the other options available. Non-reversible contraception generally refers to sterilization and is generally the choice of older women.
The other option, called Emergency contraception, includes the morning-after pill, or EC, which has proven to be effective if used within a few days of intercourse. If the woman is already pregnant, EC doesn’t affect the pregnancy. The federal level of the government has approved the morning-after pill to be sold over the counter at pharmacies if a woman is eighteen or older. Women, who are under eighteen, must have a prescription from a doctor. Each state has its policy with several states allowing EC to be sold over the pharmacy counter, and sixteen states allow emergency rooms to provide the morning-after pill to victims of sexual assault. Also, some states allow pharmacies the right to refuse to sell EC over the counter if it is against their religious or moral beliefs.
Although health insurance coverage has improved over the years, no federal law requires employer-sponsored programs to cover contraception products. However, some state laws require employer-sponsored plans to supply contraceptive coverage as part of their policies, except when religious or moral beliefs are affected. Today, approximately two-thirds of all health insurance plans cover contraceptive products and usage, although some plans do not cover all methods of contraception.
As a rule, self-funded plans, which cover half of all workers in America, generally purchased by the self-employed, micro-businesses, and small businesses do not cover the cost of contraceptive devices; therefore, this becomes an added expense for the self-employed individual and his family.
When this happens, the self-employed person has no option but to turn to Medicaid for assistance. Today, more than seven million uninsured women rely on Medicaid for their healthcare needs, and that is growing daily in our current economic downswing.
To learn more, read tomorrow’s article
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