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Work at Home Mom Health Insurance Plan

May 12th, 2009

Work at Home Mom Health InsuranceHealth insurance is a major concern with most everyone these days which is partly due to the state of the economy. As a result, many mothers are choosing to be stay-at-home-moms (SAHM). They choose to work at home because they want to spend more time raising their children while still having the opportunity to make some income. For many parents, working outside the home can be difficult. Day care for infants and children can be extremely expensive and it wouldn’t be beneficial for all parents to work outside of the home only to have childcare expenses eat up the bulk of their paycheck.
Working parents often worry about their children being cared for by someone else. One of their worst fears is that their children get hurt or sick, and in the need of health care when they are not with them. A Work at home mom health insurance plan is essentially a self employed health insurance plan, which gives a person the freedom they need to continue their career and protect their family .

Parents never know when they are going to have to take their children to the doctor, buy medicine, or make a trip to the urgent care center.
Often, the single mom has more challenges to overcome when making a living. She may have no one else to rely on. She often has fewer choices than moms in two parent homes. She either has to leave her children with someone, take them with her, or she can stay at home with her children while she works. Works at home moms are independent contractors. Independent contractors need health care just like the employed person with group coverage. There are some really good plans available for health insurance for self-employed people. The lack of health coverage should never be an issue for work at home moms.
When searching for insurance, you will need to shop around. You should always get a self-employed health insurance quote for each health insurance provider you are considering; if you are diligent you should be able to find a policy to suit your needs. Get quotes on all the major insurance companies, such as Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Kaiser Permanente, Aetna and others. Compare the cost of the premiums, and any deductible. Check to see if there are any perks to the health coverage, such as vision care, and dental. When you have children to consider, the perks can be the deciding factor when buying insurance.
Once you have narrowed the search for affordable health insurance for self-employed people, make some phone calls to insurance agents. Prior to calling list any questions you might have concerning health coverage for yourself and your family. Have it clear in your mind what your needs are. The agents you speak to may try to steer you toward a policies that provide them the highest commissions; however, these may not be the best plans to suit your needs. It would behoove you to do a significant amount of research online before ever committing to a specific health insurance plan.
Being a WAHM, you may know other work at home moms who are freelancers, or better known as independent contractors. The best advertisement for health insurance for self-employed stay at home moms is word of mouth. Most moms are more than willing to share what is good, better and best about their health coverage as compared to other types of insurance they’ve had in the past. You are then better able to make an informed decision regarding health insurance for you and your family.

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