Cancer Guide for Health Insurance
Nov 15th, 2010
Trying to acquire an affordable health insurance policy after facing the ordeal of cancer can be equally as difficult for some individuals. The common health insurance policy is set up to cover necessary medical expenses and non-medical expenses. The non-medical expenses include the loss of benefits from the loss of income as in the loss of employment.
Other familiar features include the in-home health care, ambulatory transportation and when it becomes necessary, childcare expenses for those individuals who still have young children residing in the home. The known medical expenses usually take into account such necessary items as health insurance co-payments, unusual extended hospital stays, various medical testing and other necessary items that require immediate attention.
Cancer survivors need to consider a few important facts before they begin to proceed with caution.
1. Cancer diagnosed before the application of the health insurance policy
2. Cancer that began before the application of the health insurance policy even if the individual was not aware
3. Cancer related illnesses such as common infections, pneumonia, and diabetes
4. Outpatient treatments like chemotherapy and radiation should the cancer make a second presence
Those individuals who express a biological predisposition to some form of cancer will require a comprehensive, in depth, health insurance policy as opposed to those individuals who express no biological predisposition. This is certainly a fine line to walk along but each individual should have some idea of family history in order to make a sound decision.
Most health insurance providers will cover hospitalization for up to ninety days in an annual cycle, though the majority of patients remain in the hospital for about twelve to fourteen days at a time. This is certainly a very difficult time for any cancer patient and the last thing you want to worry about is if you have health insurance coverage.
Cancer survivors who are fortunate enough to return to their original place of employment will have a better chance of maintaining their health insurance coverage intact. Belonging to a group health insurance plan through an employer brings down the cost because there are so many other individuals who are healthy.
All cancer survivors need to understand how important it is for their own salvation to try to continue with health insurance because there is no way to know when further treatment will be needed. Even a temporary long-term health insurance policy is far better than no health insurance policy. Catastrophic health insurance is another option for the cancer survivor.
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