Eliminating Our Freedoms
Nov 11th, 2010
Since the debating began with the new health insurance provisions, little attention has been paid to how our freedoms will be greatly reduced. Just the mere notion that all citizens are mandated or forced if you will, to purchase a health insurance policy does not guarantee medical health care coverage.
Yet, time and time again health insurance and health care seem to be mentioned in the same breath as if they were both the same and they are not the same. Health insurance and health care are two very different entities that many individuals seem to overlook or just do not understand.
In the mean time, our freedom of choice is being reduced even more today than it has been reduced in the past. Does anyone stop to ask why this is happening and why with our health insurance and health care system? Is it that there are more individuals who continuously want to be taken care of?
We can see a similar situation every day just by driving through communities as we pass those who choose to live in associations. Citizens have forgotten what self-reliance, independence stands for, and now with the new health insurance reform even more of our freedoms are being confiscated.
1. There is a seven hundred fifty dollar fine in the first year you, a citizen, fail to acquire an affordable health insurance policy. Whether you acquire a health insurance policy or not the government will take your money.
2. The very young between nineteen and twenty-five years traditionally have no interest in purchasing a health insurance policy, but now they are forced. The average monthly cost for health insurance premiums will be contingent not just on you and your habits, but that of all living citizens, which will place a heavy burden on the young.
3. All health insurance providers are mandated to offer similar health insurance policies and eliminating the long-term, high deductible coverage.
4. Preventive care and cost sharing is no longer available. All citizens are now forced to carry a full health insurance policy no matter what it costs.
5. All health insurance policies will now be mandated to carry children until the age of twenty-six even if individuals do not want this coverage.
6. All health insurance policies are now standard and will cover ambulatory services, emergency services, hospitalization, maternity, infant care, mental health, substance use and abuse, behavioral health treatments, prescription drugs, rehabilitative services, ambulatory devices, laboratory services, wellness services, chronic disease management, pediatric services.
7. All plans are considered Bronze Plans which are high cost health insurance policies
8. All annual deductibles for individuals is two thousand dollars, with family deductibles being four thousand dollars.
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