Frail Health Care Reform
Nov 22nd, 2010
Do you have a mother or father or other relative currently residing in a nursing home because of a long-term illness, like Alzheimer’s disease? Parents or other relatives who require so much medical health care assistance they can no longer remain in their own home.
Under the new health care reform, there are no health insurance provisions for any of the senior citizens who are living in a retirement home or nursing home. Where does that leave the thousands of senior citizens who are currently under the care of a medical health care physician? What will happen to future senior citizens stricken with a catastrophic health care issue late in life?
The main objective of the new health care reform bill is primarily focused on providing access to health care to well over forty-five million citizens, including eight million children and others who currently have no affordable health insurance coverage. There are currently five main trends of thought pertaining to the new health care reform.
1. Investing in electronic health insurance information technology systems
2. Improving access to health care prevention and disease management programs
3. Ensure the medical health care providers deliver quality health care to the best of their ability
4. Lowering the prescription medication costs and the health insurance cost for all individuals
5. Reducing health insurance costs for those individuals stricken with a catastrophic illness
When you listen closely to the specialized wording, you will begin to understand what is in store for you, family members, your friends, and your co-employees. The bulk of the new health care reform bill is to offer and provide a more practical approach to affordable health insurance. How you may ask will this be accomplished to the satisfaction of all citizens.
The new health care reform bill is not necessarily for those citizens suffering from long-term catastrophic illness and diseases. The new health care reform bill is focused more on the acute illnesses and injuries that are considered a common occurrence. This mean the provisions are for broken bones, short-term illnesses with a high recovery rate, pregnancy, and other surface illnesses of which individuals will recover and become productive in a short period of time.
The new health care reform bill is not intended to provide long-term care and this may cause major difficulties for all the members within our society who are quietly suffering and enduring just to make it to the next day.
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Tags: Alzheimer's disease | health care | health care reform | Medicaid | Medicare | News | senior citizens