Games with Health Care
Nov 12th, 2010
Was everyone watching back in March 2010 when the government was getting ready to pass The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act? Were you listening on the radio or watching on television all the under-the-table health insurance deals that were being passed around?
It is interesting the way this government has been using the example of the health insurance and health care reform that occurred in Massachusetts. This was a tried and ultimately failed experiment because there were never stringent limitations placed on the health insurance reform when it was put into place.
All citizens of the state are required to sign up for Massachusetts health insurance, but many citizens left the state. The citizens that have been entering the state are those who are unable to afford to pay into any health insurance system and are filing for all kinds of state aid to sustain a style of living.
The state of Massachusetts has been going broke because once again more monetary funds are paid out than are being taken in to sustain a broken health insurance system. They are struggling, but they are also managing for the time being. This is not a health insurance system that will sustain itself for all citizens of the country.
There are several Attorneys Generals who are involved in a healthcare lawsuit because of the uneven trend. This new health insurance reform will be distributed throughout the country. Some states are being given a pass and those citizens are not mandated to buy into the government-run health insurance system.
Nevada is another state that received special favors along with Nebraska. When you add in the favoritism of the various union groups, it tips the scale on how this new health insurance will be distributed throughout the country. Article 1, Section 8 does say that for a law to be valid it must be distributed across the land evenly and the health insurance is not distributed evenly.
Thirty-two current uninsured citizens are expected to receive this new health insurance coverage under the government-run Medicaid, but they are not accounting for all the recently dismissed employed individuals who also have no access to affordable health insurance coverage.
Other notable health insurance changes are the fact that the federal government is interfering with the individual states’ rights and having the states re-write how they will conduct health insurance and health care issues in the future.
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