Health Insurance Impact
Dec 22nd, 2010
The impact of health insurance in any form is really determined by the type of health insurance you possess at the time you become ill. This applies to all individuals from the common cold, to the annual flu virus, to heart disease and more. The health insurance impact you experience is really dependent upon each individual and the health insurance annual plan you have or do not have.
Individuals who carry an affordable health insurance plan through their employer have very little idea of what the average monthly cost for health insurance is. These same individuals also have very limited knowledge of what exactly they are covered for under the employer health insurance plan. Larger corporations all enroll with a group health insurance, but the type and extent of health insurance coverage per individual can vary greatly.
Smaller corporations will request a copy of the annual health insurance booklet for every individual who is enrolled in their current health insurance plan. The larger corporations keep a copy of the annual health insurance policy on file for all their employees. In this respect, the employees have no idea what they are covered for should a medical health care emergency arise.
The result is for the individuals to postpone necessary medical health care assistance until they return to their place of employment and have access to the offices where there is a copy of the current health insurance policy that is accessible. This time delay can eventually cost the individual in his or her health and is unnecessary.
Those individuals with their own individual health insurance policy will usually seek and receive health care much sooner. These are the individuals who will also have the best chance of recovery because they had the necessary health insurance information. What are the choices for all other individuals?
1. Over sixty percent of individuals are insured without financial concerns
2. Twenty percent of individuals are insured, but had monetary worries regarding accessing needed health care
3. Another twenty percent of individuals were underinsured or uninsured putting off needed medical health care until the last minute
This shows that a larger percentage of individuals who had adequate health insurance were unsure of the medical health care coverage costs tended to avoid a visit with their medical health care physician. This is a problem that has existed for decades and even with the introduction of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, many individuals remain reserved in their decision.
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