Health Insurance Reform Deadlines
Nov 17th, 2010
The new health care reform that was to take affect partially is already falling behind. This is beginning to anger many families and single mothers who were counting on the government to allow them to add their children under the age of twenty-six years old back on the parent’s health insurance policy.
Time is slipping away very quickly and there are many young adults that are still without any health insurance coverage because they were waiting for the government. Sadly, that was the first mistake on the part of the parents. What do these parents do when one of their children are injured?
Children under the age of twenty-six, with pre-existing conditions are still waiting to be added to their parent’s health insurance policy. Now, they are left in limbo with no low cost health insurance policy of their own because they were told they would be added to their parent’s health insurance policy. The health insurance providers have been receiving telephone calls and emails for some time now and no one seems to have any answers.
It seems the current administration has forgotten what they promised when they initially put their new piece of work up for display for the citizens to gaze at in wonder. However, the promises made to the parents and to the children under the age of twenty-six is not the only oversight of this new model health insurance overhaul.
1. Establishing a task force to re-evaluate breast cancer patients
2. The Alaskan health care delivery
3. Publishing a list of new authorities granted under the law, and work on defining “underserved” areas that receive higher health care subsidies
4. Identifying high-risk pools
5. Health care pools are to provide coverage for all individuals who are unable to retrieve affordable health insurance because of pre-existing conditions and chronic illnesses
It does seem interesting that none of this information is mentioned on any of the television networks especially since it is the great work of the current Congress. Still no word on when any of the above information will actually be put into place. Does this make you look forward to when the entire country is under the glove of the government with such a well run system?
If the government is unable to pass along information now, at the beginning, how well do you think this health insurance reform will work a year or two from now? They may be working diligently to get this government-run health insurance system off the ground but they are sure off to a very wide deficit.
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