Higher Premiums
Oct 11th, 2010
One of the ideas being considered to counter the addition of all pre-existing conditions is with the formidable increase in all health insurance policies upon renewal for the coming year. You just have to wonder how this can be when the government promised lower health insurance premiums for all citizens.
A second option that is currently being discussed is for each individual state to carry a personalized version of the high-risk pool health insurance. This would be specialized health insurance that is set aside by each state for the purpose of additional and affordable health care for all citizens.
However, the high-risk health insurance pools run under the banner of individual states is going to be the most expensive health insurance coverage and therefore still out of reach for a majority of the citizens. The higher premiums, the fewer individuals will enroll and this is a defeatist approach to health insurance coverage.
Another part of the new health care reform bill is to create a temporary backup plan for those individuals who are currently uninsured and have major health care issues that require immediate attention. The new Plan-B as it is called will be a short-term health insurance policy specifically designed for those individuals with one or more pre-existing conditions that normally are not up for consideration for a period of twelve months to eighteen months.
Understand that the Plan-B plan will be anything but an affordable health insurance and will require the co-operation of all medical health care physicians. This is because only United States citizens and legal immigrants with pre-existing conditions will be able to apply.
The new Plan-B health insurance policy will be equal to the individual health insurance plans, but will include a maximum out of pocket expense of almost six thousand dollars for eligible individuals and under twelve thousand dollars for families for each year of enrollment. The one down side to this type of health insurance policy is that each individual who fills out an application must be uninsured for a period of six months.
When you couple the out of pocket expense for each individual and family with the annual cost for the health insurance policy, it may be cheaper to purchase an automobile and make time payments. How many citizens will have the additional monetary funds to accommodate such a high expense when they already budget the money they have? Will this ultimately lead to the single-payer system the government wanted all along?
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