League Insurance Rules
Feb 24th, 2010
The search for medical health insurance when it involves young active participating players is an arduous one. Though there are many health insurance companies available in the country, there is very few that offer affordable health insurance for high schools, colleges, and university level students. However, there is no reason to become frustrated as in time and with diligence you will find what you are searching.
There are a number of ways to ascertain a health insurance policy that will satisfy your needs and that of your fellow team players. The key is to find the network of other high schools, colleges, and university sports teams and talk with them to see if they can help you locate exactly what you are searching. Some of the items you may find of interest are open for discussion through a variety of sources. A few of the school league rules are:
1. Each active team member must acquire their own temporary medical insurance when on the field
2. Disclosure of prior incidents while participating in team sports
3. All current medications listed and reported
4. No medication while in active participation
Many schools today are actively searching for ways to afford medical health insurance coverage for all students even if it is a temporary health insurance policy to prevent lawsuits and allegations at a later date.
There are a number of ways to ascertain a health insurance policy that will satisfy your needs and that of your fellow team players. The key is to find the network of other high schools, colleges, and university sports teams and talk with them to see if they can help you locate exactly what you are searching. Some of the items you may find interesting are:
1. Check with other high schools, colleges, and universities previous policy
2. State programs, State Department of Insurance, and insurance brokers
3. Try discussing your concerns with your family medical physician
4. Talk with other professional associates and talk with your friends and other family members
5. Another possibility is to discuss your concerns with other insurance companies that do provide insurance for school related activities
There are also many insurance agents who are in the business of helping new customers find what they are searching. Taking the time to sit down and discuss your particular needs will help the insurance agent. The insurance agent, who deals with a variety of insurance companies, has the advantage of finding what you are looking for much easier. The insurance agent will get back to you with a litany of health insurance quotes for you to choose from and the type of health insurance coverage your policy will possess.
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