Long-term Care and DNR
Dec 13th, 2010
Families who are involved with other family members suffering with chronic illnesses sometimes require long-term care. This can be very difficult for the family members and very expensive, but necessary. Depending on what the individual is inflicted with and whether the health care needs are for individuals suffering with degenerative disease makes a difference.
According to the health insurance statistics, there is a large portion of the current population suffering from many debilitating diseases such as:
1. Alzheimer’s disease and Breast Cancer
2. High Blood Pressure and Parkinson’s disease
3. Muscular Dystrophy and Cerebral Palsy
Many times after years of intense suffering, the body begins to break down further and the realization of long-term medical health care in a hospital setting or nursing home becomes evident to the family members. Upon entrance the medical health care physician or a member of the staff will inquire about the necessity of the do not resuscitate documentation in the event of a catastrophic incident occurring.
It is rare for the current health insurance provider to discuss the pros and cons of the do not resuscitate order and will refer the individuals involved to the medical health care physician. It is at this time the medical health care physician or a member of the staff will try to explain to the family what occurs during resuscitation in order for the family member to make an informed decision.
1. The patient’s wishes and comfort
2. The quality of life and the cost of medical health care
3. Affordable health insurance coverage, and limitations
4. The strain of the patient’s family members
5. Religious beliefs, and the wishes of surrounding family members
Other issues pertain to more personal decisions and need to be discussed before coming to any conclusion regarding the do not resuscitate order. Medication would continue to be given with respect to the comfort of the patient. However, there would be no additional health care given unless the individual’s religious belief is stronger than any medical health care.
Do not resuscitate is not for all individuals or their families. There are many who believe that religious intervention is the answer and will insist that no do not resuscitate order be injected into the equation. This will depend upon the family members and the ultimate physical condition of the individual. The minimal health care that is given will only help to keep the individual in question free from agonizing pain.
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Tags: DNR | Do Not Resuscitate | health care | long term care | News