Long-Term Health Care Crisis
Apr 9th, 2010
Long-term health care today is in crisis mode and the majorities who are suffering the most are women. The economic concerns are affecting the elderly care and they, more than any other group, need medical assistance the most. Many families today who are caring for their elderly parents and trying to raise their families are really suffering and there is no one to turn to for assistance.
There are other families who have been devoting their lives to taking care of their parents and their own children are grown now. Yet, parents who are now of retirement age themselves are still caring for their parents and have lost their health insurance when they each lost their employment. Obviously, they are struggling and trying to hold on to what they have.
At the same time, their children have left the home to create a niche for themselves leaving their parents to continue to take care of the grandparents. By the government’s own statistics on long-term health care, they admit that between one hundred forty-eight billion dollars and one hundred eighty-eight billion dollars are saved by the government because children are taking on the responsibility of health care concerns for their elderly parents while taking care of their own children at the same time.
The current nursing homes and assisted living centers are also strapped and very limited on the care giving they are able to extend to all the residents they currently care. Most of our senior population today is very aware they are, in some respects, under-insured, but are unable to purchase any of the specialized health insurance to pick up the slack.
The few around the country that are still in a position to purchase a low cost health insurance policy, even if it is considered temporary insurance there are a few important things to look for before purchasing anything.
1. Consider conducting business with a reputable insurance agent or known health insurance provider
2. Read over the health insurance plan, think about it, consider the pros and cons
3. Search for a health insurance facility with a strong national network of medical physicians and community hospitals within your local area
4. Consider health insurance plans with a higher than usual deductible if you are basically healthy and only see your medical physician for an annual physical
5. Check your policy for any penalties should you be fortunate enough to return to work.
These are only a few of the important issues concerning all families trying to survive in the current economy.
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