Medical Coverage
Mar 9th, 2010
Medical coverage in general for the various amateur and professional baseball and softball players has always been very expensive. In fact, the truth be known, medical health insurance coverage until recently is one of the most important and expensive necessities that all sports players must invest. Today, though some of the insurance providers are taking a second look most sports enthusiasts are among the healthiest in the total population. Some of the coverage in discussion is:
1. Five hundred thousand dollars of accident insurance maximums
2. Individual health insurance and dental benefits with no limits
3. All customary insurance with no internal limits
4. One hundred thousand dollars of lump sum benefits payable after six months
5. Forty thousand dollars a year fixed benefits up to a ten year period
6. Five hundred dollars of catastrophic insurance benefits
Another interesting topic that is currently in discussion is the possibility of a more in depth liability health insurance coverage for all participating players and field employees as well. Like with anything else the more involved the more the affordable health insurance becomes a reality for all players. The liability health insurance coverage in current talks consists of the following.
1. $1,000,000 Sports Liability – Occurrence Form
2. $1,000,000 per occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate
3. $1,000,000 per occurrence/$3,000,000 aggregate
This also offers a multitude of protections to all the surrounding employees that are in employ during the hours of each game. In turn this allows for the average monthly cost for health insurance to continue to remain as low as possible with the added benefit of liability health insurance coverage. These protections extend outward to the following.
1. All participants, spectators, and coaches
2. Additional insured availability
3. Youth and adult groups
4. Extended medical benefits to all spectators while on or in the premise
All of this health care information, and who is under the umbrella of protection, is explainable through medical pamphlets. What this does afford though is the peace of mind for all spectators as well as all of the sports professionals when it is game time. This lures many more spectators into the fold than would occur under normal circumstances and that is a good change of venue.
When the highly charged spectators are aware they have medical health care when on the premise during game day they will rest easy. Though most spectators do fine and do enjoy the daily activities, there are rare instances when a spectator is injured.
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