Medical Physician Office Changes
Dec 9th, 2010
There will be many changes over the next few years with regard to your personal health care and the mandated health insurance you are expected to purchase. In essence, this will be a complete effort to re-engineering your health care at the medical health care physician’s office. This will also include innovative changes coming to the local community hospitals.
One of the first changes that you will find noticeable is in the wellness health care programs that are expected to expand throughout the country. Initially there will be more of a focus on various aspects of wellness to head off the more costly illnesses that many Americans are currently afflicted. This means that along with the health care reform, there will be mandated medical health care visits with the family physician.
The choice of how you want to take care of yourself will no longer be to your discretion, but to the government mandate. In this way, you will no longer be privileged to visit with a personal medical health care physician, but with a team of individuals with the label of doctor. You will be visiting teams of individuals in the health care industry that consist of physician’s assistant, registered nurses, nurse’s aids, and osteopathic doctors.
Yet, you will rarely be privileged to visit and gain the insight of a medical health care physician that you wanted to see in the first place. Some of the health care changes to come are the following.
1. Individuals will receive no more, no less health care assistance that is required under the new health care reform
2. Instead of visiting with a medical health care physician of your choice you will be relegated to a team of medical assistants
3. Mandatory periodic health care screenings and physicals based on need, medical history, and age
4. Electronic medical records for the Internal Revenue Service to read more easily as well as other teams of health care assistants
Some technological advances will continue, while others will be extinguished because all medical will be determined by need, not necessity. Waiting periods will grow longer because of the millions of additional health insurance patients that will be added to the rolls.
The reduction of medical health care physicians will also play a role because you the individual will be left with a health care industry lacking the expertise that we all need. This will eventually lead to stagnation within the health care community as they struggle to find answers for many diseases.
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Tags: health care | News | physician | physicians