Medicare Part-A & Part B
Apr 1st, 2010
How many individuals and families today make the time to read their medical health insurance policy when they receive it each year? Even when they do, how many can actually understand what they are reading? We can all agree that most of the time it is very difficult to get through with a clear comprehension.
The same is true for the Medicare Part-A health insurance policy and the Medicare Part B insurance policy, yet there are certain distinct differences. To qualify for Medicare Part-A medical health insurance you must be sixty-five years of age, disabled, and a citizen or legal resident of the country. In most cases, there is no premium payment required. Those who qualify for free health insurance premium payments are:
1. Sixty-five years old and must be eligible for Social Security benefits
2. Employees tied in to the Railroad Retirement Act
3. Employees tied in to the Civil Service Retirement
4. Dependents and spousal survivor benefits as required by law
5. Individuals with permanent kidney failure
Those who qualify for Medicare Part-A, but must pay a minimum health insurance premium is:
1. Sixty-five years old and must be eligible for Social Security
2. Those individuals with a minimum of thirty to thirty-nine credits will pay on average up to two hundred forty-four dollars per month
3. Those individuals with less than the required credits will pay on average four hundred forty-three dollars per month.
Medicare Part-B is very similar in the governing laws for health insurance coverage as shown below.
1. Singles with income of $107,000.00 annually, $214,000.00 couples annually will pay a premium of one hundred fifty-five dollars for the average monthly cost for health insurance
2. Singles with income of $160,000.00 annually, $320,000.00 couples annually will pay a premium of two hundred twenty-one dollars each monthly
3. Singles with income of $214,000.00 annually, $428,000.00 couples annually will pay a premium of three hundred fifty-four dollars each monthly.
Health care coverage in most cases for Medicare Part-A and Part-B includes:
1. Semi-private hospital room and under certain circumstances a private hospital room and special care units when necessary for the comfort of the patient
2. Operating room fees, intensive care units and coronary care units when available
3. Nursing services, except for any requested private nurses
4. Drugs, supplies, and certain appliances like walkers, crutches, wheelchairs
5. Radiation and chemotherapy, laboratory testing, diagnostic testing for more detailed diagnosis of any given patient
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