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New Health Care Requirements

Dec 10th, 2010

Health careWhile the health insurance industry is fairing well, the health care community is struggling with the demands that are causing them to struggle more now than ever before. The main focus of local community hospitals is wrapped around the emergency room services.
Individuals in search of affordable health insurance are stunned when they receive health insurance quotes that far exceed what they are able to afford. This is one of the reasons that cause individuals to take their families to the local community hospital emergency rooms. This is the last chance for individuals who are hurting or ill to receive the necessary health care attention they so desperately need.
However, because of the downturn in the national economy many of these same local community hospitals are beginning to request a percentage of the cost as a pre-condition to acceptance into the emergency room. Hospitals asking for monetary funding up front is a new concept. This is causing many individuals to leave without receiving the health care they are so desperately searching.
This involves individuals who carry affordable health insurance just as much as this involves individuals who are underinsured and uninsured. Many local community hospitals are requiring the co-payment from various health insurance providers be paid upon acceptance into the hospital or emergency room.
It has been customary to this point for hospitals to discuss payments with the health insurance provider and bill the patient in question after the fact.This is no longer true in many of the local community hospitals in every state of the union. Where does this leave the potential patients when they are deliberately turned away from the emergency room?
This is becoming a very sad set of circumstance for thousand of individuals, if not millions of individuals. How will family members cope with the knowledge that they can get medical health care assistance when they have the monetary means to satisfy the emergency rooms at the various hospitals?
How many individuals will ultimately become worse because they lack the funds to affordable health care? Individuals are now required to make down payments for the emergency room medical health care physicians. This is a growing phenomenon because hospitals that are currently deep in debt are being forced to accept those potential patients who can pay out of pocket.
This is leaving the potential patient to be the one waiting thirty days, sixty days, ninety days, or longer for reimbursement from a needed medical procedure. When there are minor injuries that require the attention of a medical health care physician, no one worries. When it involves an individual who is brought in by ambulance, the stress levels increase.

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