Pregnancy and Health Insurance
Jul 28th, 2010
Unless you already have a comprehensive health insurance policy, pregnancy, and health insurance just do not blend well together in the same sentence. Pregnancy, or Maternity benefits is considered a pre-existing condition by the health insurance providers and they will reuse you health insurance coverage when you are already pregnant.
Where do you go to find a comprehensive low cost health insurance policy then when you are already pregnant? Sadly, the average medical health care cost for a standard delivery will cost you between ten thousand dollars and twenty thousand dollars depending upon where in the country you reside.
When you are trying to locate a comprehensive low cost health insurance policy and you are currently pregnant you will have great difficulty. In most cases, women will be forced to turn to the state health insurance coverage of the state they are living.
The alternative is to pay for the medical health care physician office visits and then pay out of pocket for the hospital expenses when the time comes for the delivery. What you are not considering is what happens when the delivery is not a normal, standard delivery, which sometimes happens.
Your medical health care physician may find that you are doing well through the delivery process, but late indications are showing there is a medical problem with the newborn, which requires an on staff specialist to be called into the neo-natal ward to examine the newborn.
When you are not currently pregnant, but you and your husband are planning to begin a family, then you can decide which type of health insurance coverage will best suit your needs. You have the option to fill out an application for a complete and comprehensive health insurance policy that includes a variety of maternity benefits after a period of time.
Remember, pregnancy is considered a pre-condition so you might want to wait a year or longer before beginning your family. There is also the option of purchasing a health insurance plan that will have limited health insurance coverage on the amenities, but will cover all the hospitalization for you and your newborn.
You will have to read the health insurance policy fine print to make sure you will be receiving coverage for maternity-related medical expenses because this will be the bulk of your hospital expenses. When difficulties during the delivery become complicated for, a number of reasons you want to know you are covered for the expenses.
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