Senior Citizens and Reform
Nov 16th, 2010
All these months of trying to discuss and debate the new health insurance reform and now our senior citizens among us want to learn how this will affect them and their family members. The long-term outlook is not a very positive outcome as many senior citizens are beginning to realize.
There is no way of getting away from the necessary changes in the Medicare health insurance system and this is leaving many senior citizens feeling very uncomfortable about the kind of medical health care they will receive in the future.
Many are worried they will be pushed aside for the younger generation of baby boomers that are now beginning to join their elderly parents in the Medicare health insurance. It will be an interesting transition to observe because it was our parents and for some grandparents who were the first generation to reap the benefits of such a health insurance system.
Now the government has mandated that some of the issues involving the Medicare health system be eliminated and that is leaving many very upset. Whether these emotions are justified or not justified are still to be seen. The government is going to try to approach the fraud that has corrupted the entire health insurance industry.
If they are successful with help to make the Medicare health insurance system perform more streamline that it does currently. There are three main objectives to the health insurance plan for our senior citizens.
1. The creation of a public, voluntary, long-term health care insurance program called the Community Living Assistance Services and Support Program
2. Expanding the home and community services for senior citizens
3. Impoverishment protection mechanisms to prevent one spouse from leaving the other spouse with nothing because of an illness or a nursing home stay
The Community Living Assistance Services and Supports program that will be established is to aid the medical health care physicians and the senior citizens who enroll in the program to defray the cost of home health care, family caregiver support, adult day care, and or residential care. After a five-year investment, the senior citizens will receive fifty dollars a day towards paying for the health care assistance.
However, many senior citizens who have hired in home health care professionals are paying five hundred dollars to six hundred fifty dollars a week currently out of pocket. The health insurance provider does not participate in this program and this is not covered under any health insurance plan.
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