Sports Related Insurance Coverage
Jan 29th, 2010
Sports medical low cost health insurance today covers many aspects for the sports activist and for the sports participants. The main coverage entails the major teams, leagues, and special events such as tournaments. Some of the major sports events include:
1. Adventure Racing, Alpine Ski Contests and Tournaments
2. Snowboarding such as those involved in the Olympic level
3. College pro sports programs, teams, and leagues
4. More down to earth pleasures such as exercise and fitness programs
5. Wrestling, Wrestling promoters, and of course Triathlons
In order to protect all the individuals concerned such as the athletes Volunteers, Coaches, and Directors of a specific team, league or event there are specific items to look for in an affordable health insurance policy.
1. Accident insurance to cover all the necessary expenses for treatment and of course the eventual recovery
2. General Liability Insurance covers specific lawsuits that involve the spectators and or the sports participants. The General Liability Insurance covers a wide range of mishaps and can in most cases keep a business from forced closure due to lack of funds
3. Liability Insurance coverage for the Directors and the many major officers is important too. This is really to cover those individuals uncovered through the basic general liability insurance policy. Individuals such as volunteers and some sport organizers.
One of the main things to look for in a formidable sports health insurance policy are limits to cover such items as bodily injury and damage to property liability. This would go on to include the following.
1. Premises, operations, and personal injury
2. Complete operations, and products
3. Contractual liabilities, and independent contractors
4. Fire damage in the event of a fire, and premise medical expenses
The average monthly cost for health insurance of this kind can become very expensive if you are unaware of what to search. It is also important to leave out those items that are of no consequence to you or to your facility. Now if you still believe you need an excess liability coverage it most certainly will cost you much more. Some additional coverage can run as high as five million dollars in excess liability coverage which when included will cost a few hundred more for an annual policy addendum.
To ascertain the best health care insurance policy for your needs consider the occurrence and claims made in the past, participant liability per injury , cost of punitive damages, special coverage, and the amount of specialized coverage involved.
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