Sports Stars Shining Light on Mental Illness
Jan 25th, 2010
Mental illness is serious for the individual suffering the effects and for the surrounding family. Mental illness also can and usually does lead to the manifestation of physical problems as well. Many times this is how this mental illness makes itself known and it is so very sad, especially when the health insurance industry refuses to acknowledge the painful procession.
Otherwise very healthy individuals will waste away to almost nothing in a very short period of time all because of the type of mental illness they are presumably suffering. The average family will spend between twelve thousand dollars and twenty-five thousand dollars for quality affordable health insurance. This is a complete contrast to individuals who spend their life playing professional sports. Yet both spectrums have many things in common when looking for quality medical insurance.
Sometimes it is more beneficial to take a step back, analyze the situation at hand, and then try to proceed with a clearer head. A few of the steps that an individual can take are then following.
1. Return to your instinctive choice
2. Take a virtual inventory
3. Speak plainly and truthfully
4. Try keeping good company with other self-employed individuals
5. Fine tune your framework for strategic, logical thinking
6. Set healthy flexible boundaries for yourself and those around you
7. Make reachable goals for yourself to reduce disappointment
8. Try not to panic
9. Make the time to find quality, comprehensive low cost health insurance
This carries through from the high school student involved with team sports all the way through to those individuals who excel and become a member of a professional sports team like football. It is precisely these professional sports players who come forward to bring attention to many illnesses including mental illness which is the silent killer.
The Health Savings Account is relatively new to the world of individual health insurance, but it has much to offer those who enroll into the system today.
Unlike a traditional insurance policy the Health Savings Account (HSA) is a special tax-shelter savings account. This is to combine with a high-deductible health insurance plan to withdraw when necessary to pay for qualifying medical expenses.
However, keep in mind that when you withdraw funds from the Health Savings Account (HSA) and it is not for the purpose to reimburse health services the individual will be assessing a ten percent fee for early withdrawal.
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