Underinsured Adults
May 21st, 2010
The count of the under insured health insurance recipients is virtuously staggering in numbers. On average, there are over sixty million adults who are underinsured at any given time and most are unaware that they are. These are hard working adults who, for various reasons change employment often and this leaves them on the short end of the health insurance market.
The ability to acquire sporadic low cost health insurance through the next employer does help some, but they are still left out of the loop because they are considered new comers to the company. Some employers will offer affordable health insurance upon hiring, while others will wait the customary three months or six months before offering the paperwork to be filled out.
When you are among the young and healthy health care may not present a problem, but for those individuals with families it is a nerve-racking nightmare. The risk of a pre-existing condition, a chronic condition, or any of the many life-long diseases could cause one grief during a waiting period of up to eighteen months before the health insurance begins in full force.
Most individuals find it very difficult to read through a new health insurance policy much like a life insurance policy, and of course your automobile insurance. The language is so technical that is becomes difficult to decipher what you are extended health care coverage for and what is eliminated.
Many times the individuals who are caught in the health care pool of the underinsured are those who take on low paying employment with no guarantees as the larger corporations offer. Those who either develop through time or are already afflicted with any one of the known chronic diseases will find they are shuffled into a high-risk pool through no fault of their own.
Are they assigned to a group low cost health insurance plan along with others, well yes? The difference is the health care coverage is so broad that through a hospital stay or a medical physician visit they find they must dig deep into their pockets to pay their portion of the deductible.
Sadly, in many cases the underinsured, like the uninsured will avoid seeing a medical health care physician at all costs. This also applies to their children as well, simply because the out of pocket expense is more than they can afford. They are not alone either because depending on the group health insurance policy stipulations even those with excellent health care benefits will refrain because of the fear of the out of pocket expense.
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