Health Insurance and Transplant Survivors
Dec 30th, 2010
Individuals who have been the recipient of a transplant have beaten the odds with the assistance of a medical health care physician. You would think that the remainder of their lives would be pretty simple in retrospect. What begins is a new adventure to locate and obtain an affordable health insurance policy.
One of the main difficulties that are presented is the ongoing treatment that is involved with transplant survivors. This also includes the perpetual onslaught of perpetual medication and renovated treatments, which is precisely what the various health insurance providers want to avoid.
Though group health insurance policies would be the most cost, saving for a transplant survivor to obtain this is rarely the case. In most circumstances, the transplant survivor is directed into purchasing an individual health insurance policy with a high-risk addendum because they had undergone a transplant surgery.
Transplant survivors are not the only individuals to suffer this fate because this is also a common occurrence with many cancer survivors. These are some of the individuals the health insurance provider would prefer to avoid instead of opening their arms and welcoming them into the health insurance fold.
There are currently between thirteen million individuals and fifteen million individuals who are directed into the individual health insurance, which offers much less than many of the other health insurance policies that are available.
1. Individual health insurance policies are very high priced
2. Individual health insurance policies offer very few benefits
3. Individual health insurance policies maintain very strict limitations on pre-existing conditions such as a transplant
Unfortunately, these are the very same individuals who will find they are facing a low lifetime limit of health care coverage for the remainder of their lives. The last alternative they are left with is to apply to the state health insurance. This is their last resort to have an opportunity of affordable health insurance coverage.
This move will cost all transplant recipients dearly and leaves them no alternative but to be listed with the state health insurance high-risk pool. The rules are much more stringent and will forever be an area of concern for future illnesses. Individuals who are fortunate to return to their place of employment will also find a few changes with regard to health insurance.
In this case, they will find they are excluded for certain health conditions and because of the current health status will be paying more that other, healthier employees within the employer’s group health insurance plan.
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