Medicare Improvements Part Two
Dec 27th, 2010
In The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act there are a few issues that are outlined, as a health insurance and medical health care guide for the future recipients of the Medicare health care system should it become solvent.
1. Immediate assistance for individuals with pre-existing medical health care afflictions
2. Expanding health insurance coverage for all citizens under the age of twenty-six
3. Better access to medical health care physicians
4. Discontinuation of Medicare Advantage supplementary health insurance
All individuals who currently have been diagnosed with one or more pre-existing conditions will no longer be denied health insurance coverage through their health insurance provider as a mandate side issue of the passage of this new health care reform bill. No one with asthma, diabetes, heart conditions, and an entire multitude of pre-existing medical health conditions will ever be turned away again.
Of course, there is no mention of how much more all citizens will have to pay for affordable health insurance. The health insurance providers will not be able to absorb this type of costly adventure and not pass the cost along to their current subscribers. If the health insurance providers is mandated by the government to absorb this cost into their annual budget, we will have no health insurance providers in the United States anymore.
However, this would play right into the hands of the government who wants a single payer health insurance system in the first place. Just one more issue for the government to control along with the many other business in this country. Remember, with the passage of this health care reform bill the government now has the right to tell you how to live, what to eat, when to exercise, when to sleep, when to work, and so much more. Is this what you wanted?
Do you really want to be controlled by the government? Do you want to have your health insurance with a high-risk health insurance provider simply because the Internal Revenue does not approve the health insurance you chose for you and your family?
When the Internal Revenue Service assigns you and your family to a new mandated health insurance policy more appropriate for your needs are you willing to pay the average monthly cost for health insurance that has now doubled or tripled. Then will you make the time to open your mind and eyes to see what is happening to the country?
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