Health Care Reforms and You
Jan 6th, 2011
How will the new health care reform bill affect you and your family members? Will it be a positive experience for you or are you like many other individuals around the country who are very upset with the new rules, laws, and regulations being mandated. What will happen to those individuals who are not interested in partaking in the new health care reforms?
A few facts to take into consideration will be for every individual. The place of employment, the age of your children, and where you live will be a deciding factor of the cost of health insurance. Other interesting changes that will soon take affect are the following health insurance issues.
1. Children with pre-existing conditions
2. Teenagers and parental health insurance
3. Low income health insurance for children
4. Community wellness programs
5. Health insurance penalties
6. Health insurance requirements
All children with health care issues such as the long discussed pre-existing conditions will automatically receive the necessary medical health care treatments regardless of how long they are on a parent’s low cost health insurance. Older children will now be permitted to remain on the affordable health insurance policy of their parents until they reach the age of twenty-six.
The state run children health insurance programs will be eligible to all low-income families. This will place a great deal of stress on the individual states, but it will help millions of children to remain healthier than they would without low cost health insurance coverage.
Health insurance providers offering low cost health insurance through an employer will now help to initiate wellness programs through many corporations and communities. These wellness centers will operate at no cost to the individual who will have the ability to receive preventive health care services for infants, children, and teenagers. The initiation of immunizations for children will be at the top of the agenda.
These wellness centers or programs will be void of the usual co-payments that many families are accustomed to today. Though this will be very expensive to operate it will help many low-income families that otherwise were not able to seek assistance. A place they will visit frequently without the fear of being asked for an office payment to subsidize the expense of office operations.
Of course, there is no mention of how the medical health care providers will receive compensation. Will the medical health care staff be paid through each state or direct from the federal government?
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