Integrated Health Care
Jan 20th, 2011
The persistent march forward of our aging population is a considerable deficit to our country, but there are ways to turn this around into a positive. In years past, it was our elder population that was looked upon as those who held the key to wisdom and knowledge. The current changes to our health care system might want to research how the elderly in our population carry the key to success for the future.
Almost eighty percent of our health care spending is focused on long-term health care, chronic disabilities, and disease. The focus of attention by our health insurance providers is on the wrong end of the spectrum. Perhaps it is time for a preference on preventive health care and be proactive. There is an opportunity to reduce the health care costs by aiding individuals to remain healthy longer.
Longer longevity with the majority of individuals, though an aspiring attribute, has contributed to the growing population of those with chronic long-term illnesses and a variety of disabilities. The unfortunate circumstances have led to very costly health insurance rates that continue to climb and an over burdened medical health care community.
One of the noticeable improvements to the health care reform bill may be the periodic medical health care visits by those individuals who will be granted preventive health care as part of their new health insurance agreement with their providers. The health care reform bill states that certain aspects of preventive health care will be inclusive to the affordable health insurance policies.
Of course, this will be contingent on when each individual who currently has an affordable health insurance policy comes to term and renews their policy. This is a step to encourage all individual health insurance policyholders to better maintenance of their physical needs. What this will do in the future is to keep the cost lower because diseases, disabilities, and chronic illnesses will be diagnosed sooner.
Diagnostic procedures performed regularly coupled with a correct diagnosis will help to coordinate the proper health care each individual needs, as they grow older. Small, insignificant medical problems will not have an opportunity to fester and multiply into a major disease because medical treatment will begin at a much younger age.
The health insurance provider will process fewer health insurance claims, while the medical health care community will see a reduction in emergency visits. The combination of all these efforts will save money rather than waste money and could reduce the annual cost of health insurance policies.
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