Possibilities for Long-Term Care
Jan 24th, 2011
There is a new long-term health insurance that is currently entering the market under the title of the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act. This will go under the shortened name of CLASS. Those individuals suffering from long-term chronic illness and major disabilities will be interested in what this newly formed health insurance program will entail.
The one difficulty with this new long-term health insurance is affordability. This will be funded through direct health insurance premiums, much the way current health insurance providers offer health insurance to current providers. It is the supply and demand system and does run the risk of failure when a majority of those suffering from chronic long-term disease and disabilities do not enroll.
Decisions of eligibility and health care benefits will be scrutinized with each individual applicant before enrollment is permitted. The theory behind this additional low cost health insurance for long-term care is to entice individuals to enroll long before they reach the age when long-term health care becomes prevalent.
When a number of years have passed without dipping into the claims process, the previous average monthly cost for health insurance will have an opportunity to accumulate giving the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act a change to grow and thrive.
Many individuals suffer and continue to live with long-term diseases and chronic illnesses, but only a small percentage of these individuals will be eligible. In the beginning, CLASS needs for the majority of individuals who enroll into this new health insurance to be healthy and productive citizens. What this new health insurance will offer is the following.
1. Assistance with eating, and dressing
2. Assistance with bathing, personal manicure
3. Assistance with passage to and from medical clinics
4. Assistance with other basic required needs
If this new health insurance is, successful it will fill the gap that Medicare and Medicaid does not provide. Therefore, this will ultimately be an asset to purchase for all the citizens who can afford the high cost of this not so affordable health insurance.
Though it has not begun to advertise the worth of this new health insurance offering through the government, it is soon to be introduced to the mass public. The hope is that it will be attractive enough for the majority to fill out a CLASS health insurance application and allow the entire process to grow and develop. Whether this will be, a success is yet to reach fruition.
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