Reduction of Private Practice
Jan 3rd, 2011
One of the major downsides to The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is the thousands of medical physicians who are very disappointed with the outcome. Many medical physicians are currently considering aborting their private healthcare practice because of the new rules, laws, and regulations that are about to open up for them.
Many of the current medical healthcare physicians are refusing to admit additional patients because of the new Medicare and Medicaid rules, laws, and regulations that will soon be an active part of the medical healthcare system. It has already been mandated for all medical health care physicians to accept an additional twenty-one percent reduction in reimbursement rates from the government.
This will have a very big impact on the medical health care physician and those patients that are not involved with the Medicare health insurance and the Medicaid health insurance system. What this will do is cause the medical health care physicians to raise their office visit rates even higher than they are at this current time.
When the legislation for the free medical health care drug prescription program was passed a few years ago, it caused the cost of medical health care prescription medication to double and triple. Families trying to have medical prescriptions filled at their local drug store were finding that all of a sudden they were no longer able to afford the cost of a medical health care prescription.
There is going to be an ever-increasing demand for younger medical healthcare physicians who will no longer be medical doctors. When you make an appointment to see a doctor you will be given an appointment with an osteopathic doctor, a registered nurse, or a physician’s assistant. Many of the current medical health care physicians are now accepting employment at the larger hospitals in place of their private practice.
What the mass population will be left with are the medical healthcare clinics that will become more popular as the new healthcare bill becomes effective. These medical healthcare clinics will be able to handle daily mishaps such as broken limbs, children with high fevers, cuts, bruises, and the possibility of stitches.
These medical healthcare clinics will not be equipped to handle surgery of any kind, heart attacks, or individuals with chronic long-term illnesses that cost the health insurance provider hundreds of thousands of dollars. Where this will leave the majority of the public with a variety of healthcare issues is yet to be seen.
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