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5 Ways to Prevent Bone Loss

Aug 16th, 2012

prevent bone lossOur bones are made up of living tissues and performs several functions. They provide structure and support for our bodies, protect vital organs, allow movement, store minerals, and form blood cells. That’s why it is important to take care of our bodies and prevent bone loss. Bone loss can lead to osteopenia or low bone density, bone weakness, and osteoporosis. Proper nutrition, exercise, and healthy habits are important to maintain healthy bones. Here are five ways you can do to prevent bone loss.

Eat enough calcium
Calcium is required to prevent the risk of developing osteoporosis. Calcium deficiency is associated with low bone mass, bone loss, and broken bones. A diet that includes the right amount of calcium is important. Some of the best sources of dietary calcium include:


  • Low-fat dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt
  • Green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and kale.
  • Sardines and salmon
  • Tofu
  • Almonds

Eat enough vitamin D
While calcium is required for bone build-up, vitamin D is needed for calcium absorption. Our bodies cannot readily absorb enough calcium without vitamin D, no matter how much we consume. When we lack calcium, our bones will respond by releasing its calcium reserves, leading to bone loss and weak bones.

Vitamin D can come from our diet and sunlight exposure. Most of us get enough vitamin D from dairy products, egg yolks, fish, and liver. Unfortunately, vitamin D production decreases in people who remain indoors, during winter, and in older people. For these people, supplements may be needed to get the recommended 400-800 IU of vitamin D a day.

Exercise regularly
Weight-bearing exercises such as walking, running, hiking, weight lifting, and sports like tennis and basketball are the best forms of exercises that help strengthen bone and prevent osteoporosis. The American Orthopaedic Association recommends at least 30 minutes of exercise for adults and at least 60 minutes of exercise for children each day.

Quit smoking
Smoking is not only bad for the heart and lungs but contributes to bone loss as well. Smokers absorb less calcium from their diet. Which leads to breaking down of bone mass leading to bone loss.

Limit alcohol intake
Heavy drinking increases the risk of bone loss and fractures. The problem lies with poor nutrition and increased risk of falling associated with alcohol. However, some studies show moderate alcohol intake can be beneficial to bone mass.

Source: Vista Health Solutions


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