A Cup of Longer Life
May 21st, 2012
Are you one of those coffee lovers who gave up coffee thinking it’s toxic for your body? I am. However, a recent study shows that coffee drinkers have a longer life. The study was done by the National Institute of Health and AARP involving 400,000 people.
“I would say it offers some reassurance to coffee drinkers,” said Neal Freedman, lead researcher of the National Cancer Institute. “Other studies have suggested a higher risk of mortality with coffee drinking and we didn’t see that in our study.”
Their study even suggested that those who drink the most coffee cut mortality risk the most. People who drink as much as 6 cups in a day have the least mortality risk as well as those who drink 2-5 cups daily.
Freedman and his team reviewed the coffee habits of more than 402,000 people between 1995 and 2008, including more than 52,000 who died. This study is the largest that was ever done about coffee and its effect on health.
Previous studies and even this study initially suggested that coffee drinkers run the risk of dying soon. But there were other factors involved. People who drink coffee also drink a lot of alcohol, smoke, and exercise less.
Unlike past studies, caffeine was taken out of the study. Some of the respondents drank decaf.
The study is said to be observational-only so they could not conclude whether coffee drinking reduces death risk. The study also could not suggest what coffee’s long-term effect is on health. Coffee is made up of many compounds so researchers could not yet tell which one exactly could increase mortality.
“I don’t want people to read this and say, ‘Oh, I’m going to drink more coffee because I don’t want to die,’” he said. “We just don’t know whether it’s cause or effect.”
So you don’t have to give up coffee anymore. After all, nothing beats coffee when it comes to giving an extra jolt in the morning.
So, you don’t have to give up coffee anymore. After all, nothing beats coffee when it comes to giving an extra jolt in the morning—and with a good health insurance plan, you can rest easy knowing your health is covered.
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