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Freelance and Self-Employed Insurance

Feb 2nd, 2012

Verifying employment status for the freelance and self-employed entrepreneurs can be very difficult. This is a topic that is seldom discussed out in the open but becomes a major issue when the freelance and self-employed entrepreneur wants to apply for a business loan and for self-employed health insurance.

If it feels like you are jumping through hoops, you are right because that is what it takes sometimes to satisfy insurance providers and financial institutions. Now that you are at the very beginning of starting your self-employed business, you will be required to enroll in an affordable self-employed insurance plan.

If you have a spouse that is, employed full-time with an employer you might consider having yourself added to the employer-sponsored health insurance plan. This will save you much time and effort in trying to start a self-employed business and research a viable insurance policy. When you find there is no viable alternative for you at this time there are other steps you can take to help ease the burden of acquiring a self-employed low-cost health insurance policy.

1. Establishing proof of self-employment

2. Keeping current bank statements accessible

3. When business associates are involved ask for their verification of records

4. If you have any court orders associated with a divorce keep them handy

5. Keep copies of previous medical health records that may be of importance

Of course, this information may not be necessary to apply for a low-cost insurance policy. It is important to have all of your necessary information readily available in case it is requested. This will save you much time when you are applying for an affordable health insurance policy.

Usually, the ability to prove your self-employment status is more than enough information when you are applying for an affordable insurance policy. This information is requested to avoid any doubts that you are actively engaged in a self-employed business and not trying to purchase a second low-cost insurance policy to help pay your expenses. You will be asked to prove how long you have been self-employed to avoid any interference with a previous health care policy.

Keeping your previous and current bank records in order and easily accessible will save you time with the health insurance carrier should they be required to validate your current average annual income. Keeping all court orders, if there are any, will be important too if you are divorced and there are young children involved.

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