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Diet and Exercise Raise Good Cholesterol, Study Suggests

Oct 22nd, 2012

Diet and exercise raise good cholesterol and are important for diabetics in order to avoid the complications of their disease. They are not only essential for weight control, but a new study suggests they also influence fat cells to secrete a hormone that increases the production of good cholesterol.

The study, published in the online edition of the Journal of Lipid Research, was conducted at Methodist Hospital in Houston. Data was collected from overweight and obese people with type 2 diabetes who participated in trials to test the effect of increased physical activity and decreased calorie intake on the risk for cardiovascular disease.

The participants were randomly divided into two groups. One group, called the lifestyle intervention group, did intensive diet and exercise while the control group participated in diabetes support and education.

After one year, the lifestyle intervention group showed significant improvements in overall fitness, blood sugar and fat levels, and total fat measure (adiposity).

“Bad” cholesterol or LDL levels did not change among the lifestyle intervention group. However, adiponectin and “good” cholesterol or HDL levels increased. The group increased adiponectin by 12 percent and HDL by almost 10 percent compared to the control group.

Adiponectin is a protein hormone exclusively released by the adipose tissue that regulates sugar storage and fat metabolism. Researchers also suggest that the hormone prompts the liver to produce HDL cholesterol.

“What we’re learning is that even overweight people who are physically active and eating a healthy diet are getting benefits from the lifestyle change,” said head researcher Dr. Christie Ballantyne, director of the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Methodist DeBakey Heart Center.

“When you exercise and diet, you’re improving the function of your adipose tissue, your heart and vascular systems, and even muscle performance. You’re getting a lot of benefits that you may not see by just looking at the weight on a scale,” he added.

Incorporating healthy habits like diet and exercise not only improves cholesterol levels but also plays a crucial role in managing diabetes. Further support this journey by gaining access to dietitians and preventive checkups through a comprehensive health insurance plan, ensuring early detection and a healthier future.

Source: VISTA Health Solutions

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