Health Insurance and Primary Care
Feb 2nd, 2012
Health insurance and primary care stability across the nation will see many changes over the next few years as The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act becomes effective. One of the main topics for discussion is the new reach into rural areas around the country that were void of primary care clinics. This may be a good thing and help rural communities or it may not be such a good thing.
What is known at this time is that the primary health care providers will begin to adjust their roles into a more streamlined process to attempt to meet the needs of the additional individuals who will be added to the policies of the health insurance providers. In the future, the government will be keeping a much closer watch on the activities of all in medical health care.
All medical health care physicians are now required to spend sixty percent of their time on preventive health care instead of the first come first serve basis that we have all grown accustomed to. Those medical health care physicians who deviate from this required method of medical health care treatment will receive penalties or have their practice closed. The government now defines a primary health care physician as the primary health care provider with a specialty administering the following.
1. General family medicine and internal medicine
2. Geriatric medicine and pediatric medicine
3. Nurse practitioners and clinical nursing specialists
4. Physician assistants
How will these changes affect you, your family, friends, and relatives? These changes will affect everyone because the entire medical health care community will specialize in everyday, mundane illnesses and accidents rather than have medical health care physicians who specialize in various fields such as heart disease, and lung disease.
The incentive for the entire medical healthcare community to adjust to the new rules, laws, and regulations will be a small percentage returned or reinvested in the medical healthcare clinic that complies with the new laws.
The health insurance providers are under similar adjustments. All health insurance providers are being mandated to accept all individuals and to comply by rewriting and adjusting the affordable health insurance plans they currently sell to individuals and families.
No longer will the health insurance providers be afforded the luxury of canceling a health insurance policy when one of their insured becomes chronically ill. No longer will the health insurance providers be afforded the luxury of denying health insurance coverage to those with a long-standing pre-existing condition.
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