High-Priced State Plans
Feb 2nd, 2012
State plans including pre-existing conditional high-risk health insurance pools have been in existence for some time now. There are many individuals who have been enrolled in these state high-risk health insurance pools and trying to find a less expensive plan. Well, with the health insurance reforms that have materialized these same individuals are still being left behind both in the average monthly cost for health insurance in a high-risk health insurance pool and because of not lacking health insurance coverage for a period of time.
The health insurance reform specifies that only those individuals who have been without any form of affordable health insurance qualify to enroll in this high-risk health insurance. Of course, it will not be very affordable because the individuals who enroll in this health insurance will be obligated to pay almost twice as much for the average monthly cost for health insurance. These are all those uninsured individuals with one or more pre-existing conditions.
One of the difficulties that many states are seeing with the new high-risk health insurance is the perpetual fluctuation in the monetary cost for all of the individuals who are involved with one or more pre-existing conditions. If these uninsured individuals are not able to turn to the state will they then be mandated to the Medicare health insurance system as a default factor? Keep in mind that a pre-existing condition can be any number of minor as well a major condition such as.
1. Acne to Asthma
2. Heart disease to Alzheimer’s disease
3. Fibromyalgia to Rheumatoid arthritis
4. Pregnancy to a form of Cancer
What will happen when individuals are permitted to purchase affordable health insurance across state lines? Will these individuals with chronic illnesses and long-term diseases have the same opportunities as everyone else? The idea of states grouping together to offer across state line health insurance is suppose to help the states and to reduce the overall cost.
The health care reform was initially supposed to address these issues, but it seems that it is lagging behind the push to enroll all individuals into a health insurance policy of any kind just so the states can say they have near enrollment or full enrollment with little regard to the cost or the health care each individual will receive.
Now, part of the dispute for low cost health insurance for all individuals involved with a chronic illness or long-term ailment is between who is going to take charge of running the new health care program. Will this be run by the individual states or will the federal government step in and ultimately take over the way they intend.
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