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May 30th, 2013

The Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act aims to provide health coverage to millions of uninsured Americans. It’s only a few months before the flagship law is fully implemented. Let’s take a look at how the law is being accepted. According to the latest CNN survey, the majority of Americans are still opposed to the law. This confirmed […]

May 29th, 2013

There’s been a lot of talk lately about businesses opting to provide their employees with so-called “skinny health insurance plans” instead of something more comprehensive such as a PPO ,to circumvent the essential benefits of the Affordable Care Act’s employer mandate. The Wall Street Journal broke the news about skinny health insurance plans last week, […]

May 23rd, 2013

health reform

The Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act aims to provide millions of uninsured Americans the coverage they rightly deserve. Small business employers will be greatly affected by the new law because of the employer mandate. Those with 50 or more full-time workers must offer health insurance or face a penalty. Many companies are now looking at […]

May 22nd, 2013


The Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act aims to provide quality and affordable coverage to millions of Americans. The law has already helped improve the lives of more than 100 million people. Recently, the law been under attack as the predominantly Republican House of Representative voted to repeal it. Let’s take a look at some consequences […]

May 21st, 2013

health insurance tips

You might have your health plan but do not know how to use it to your advantage. Most people do not fully understand how their benefits work. This confusion leads some people to lose money, pay more for care, or get their claims denied. Here are some ways to make your health plan work to […]

May 20th, 2013

Are we really getting more affordable health insurance starting 2014? Affordable health insurance through health insurance exchanges One of the mechanisms for more affordable health insurance is the creation of health insurance exchanges. This is an open marketplace where customers can choose and purchase coverage that suits their needs. The main idea for these marketplaces […]

May 19th, 2013

Last week Republicans in the House of Representatives took another shot at repealing the Affordable Care Act, often referred to as ‘Obamacare”. This was their  37th attempt to repeal the landmark legislation since it was signed into law in March 2010. The legislation is President Obama’s controversial attempt to reform the American health care system […]

May 17th, 2013

The full implementation of the Affordable Care Act of the Obama administration is just around the corner, but we still can’t see the complete picture how the new health care law will affect us. Will we really see more affordable coverage? Will we get better benefits? Are we really better off with it? Changes Expected […]

May 16th, 2013

Dogs may be more than man’s best friend. You’re four-legged companion can also lead to a healthy heart, experts say. According to a statement released by the American Health Association (AHA) last Thursday, having a pet, particularly a dog, may lower your risk of heart disease. Healthy Heart linked to Dogs “Studies have shown people […]


May 15th, 2013

The Affordable Care Act of the Obama administration is designed to provide affordable and comprehensive health insurance to millions of Americans. An important part of this law is the setting up of health insurance exchanges. Health insurance exchanges expected to create competition Proponents of the law say that health insurance exchanges will create competition among […]

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