Five Ways to Boost Your Cardio Training
Jan 30th, 2013
Starting a fitness routine may be a difficult ordeal, but just stick with the plan and you’ll overcome it eventually. You’ll be healthier, sleep better, and have more energy if you exercise regularly. Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there; you may reach your roadblock, especially when you stick with the same routine. The experience is different for everyone. Many lose interest and find it very hard to stay motivated. Here are some ways you can boost your cardio training.
Add interval training
Interval training combines intense cardiovascular workout and lighter activities, repeated in one exercise session. This type of training was designed for athletes to help build cardiovascular strength.
Interval training helps you burn more calories, improves your aerobic capacity, and keeps your workouts interesting. For starters, try “walk-back sprinting,” sprint a distance of 100 to 500 meters, and walk back to your starting point. Repeat several times according to your capacity.
Explore supersets
Supersets essentially roll strength and cardio training into one. It involves doing two different exercise moves without taking a rest in between. Fitness experts recommend changing your strength workout every 4-6 weeks to help you avoid plateaus, and supersets help you overcome this roadblock.
Supersets get your heart pumping, supplying more oxygen to your muscles. It’s an effective way to build muscles, helps you save time, and makes things interesting at the same time.
Join a fitness class
Getting bored with your exercise is inevitable when you’re doing the same routine over and over again. Joining classes is a great way to break the monotony of your workout. You have a lot of options like kickboxing, spinning, and even yoga. A total body workout helps develop your heart muscles and keeps you interested as well.
Engage in easy cardio exercises
Some cardio exercises like cycling or swimming may look appealing but may require some form of training or equipment. It may also take some time before these exercises can work for you. Try cardio exercises which you can do anywhere that require little or no training at all like aerobics, jogging, or jumping rope.
Try new equipment
Gymgoers often have preferences when it comes to using a machine. Using one machine over and over again can be boring and offer less challenge over time because you’re engaging the same group of muscles every time. Try a different machine on your next workout or use multiple machines during your session. Ask your trainer for a quick tutorial if you’re confused.
Sticking to a fitness routine can be challenging, but consistency brings significant health benefits, including better sleep and increased energy. Many standard health insurance plans nowadays cover gym memberships, making it easier to maintain an active lifestyle. A good health insurance plan not only supports your fitness goals but also provides access to resources that can help you stay motivated and healthy.
Source: VISTA Health Solutions
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