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Yogurt May Reduce Risk of Hypertension

Sep 27th, 2012

reduce risk of hypertensionA recent study suggests that adding low fat yogurt to your diet may reduce risk of hypertension.

Researchers have found that people who regularly consume yogurt had a lower systolic blood pressure and lower risk of developing high blood pressure. The study was presented at the High Blood Pressure Research 2012 Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association (AHA).

Systolic blood pressure is the top number in your blood pressure reading which measures the force your blood exerts against the arterial walls when your heart contracts.

According to the AHA, hypertension can damage and scar the arteries if left untreated. The resulting scars can trap debris such as cholesterol and plaque traveling through the bloodstream. This can result to arterial blockages or build ups. Proper blood pressure monitoring is important because symptoms may not be present all the time.

Several studies have confirmed the health benefits of regular yogurt consumption including healthier body weight and lower body mass index.

Yogurt is rich in calcium, protein, and many important nutrients needed by the body. It can be eaten as a snack or added to a meal. It can keep you feeling full for a longer time and can also provide hydration.

For the study, researchers followed more than 2,000 volunteers for 15 years who had normal blood pressure at the start of the study. The participants recorded their yogurt intake three different times during the study period.

According to the study, 31 percent of the volunteers had lower risk of high blood pressure when they get at least two percent of their daily caloric needs from yogurt. This is equal to consuming on six-ounce cup of yogurt every three days.

The systolic blood pressure of yogurt consumers did not increase significantly compared to those who did not eat yogurt.

A healthy diet which includes yogurt and regular exercise can help prevent chronic diseases such as hypertension.

Source: VISTA Health Solutions

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