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Parenting and Insurance

Jul 30th, 2009

insuranceLocating affordable health insurance for yourself and your family is easy. Are you a single mother employed part-time to make ends meet? Perhaps you have medical insurance coverage through your place of employment. Does your employer’s medical insurance cover you and your family, or is it limited to only you the individual. Though most employers offer family insurance, some only offer insurance to the employee no matter what a person’s marital status is. You have health coverage for yourself, paid in part through your employer, but what happens to your child or children? Where do you begin to research for low cost health insurance coverage?

New York does have a variety of insurance plans that you may qualify for, but it will take some time to go through them all. How will you be able to provide health insurance to protect your children in case of sickness or worse, an emergency? We all know how children quickly, out of nowhere, can develop a high fever, right? They could be fine one day and the next day you can’t get to a doctor’s office?  Expecting a quiet weekend, one of your children receives a cut, or falls off their bicycle, and you rush to the emergency room of a hospital, as fast as you possibly can.

Without any health insurance or hospitalization, you may have a problem on your hands. If you just drove to the nearest hospital, you could run the risk of being turned away. Private hospitals do have that option. If you remember in all the rush to get immediate medical assistance for your child, try driving to your local community hospital instead. Time is always of the essence when you have such an emergency on your hands. This is one reason why medical insurance, especially low cost health insurance, is so important.

The state of New York has many health plans aimed at offering medical insurance to children and it would be worth while to make the time to research them all.

  1. Applicant gross earnings eligibility

(One parent with two children)                                                                        $26400.00

  1. Two parent household with two children                                                               $26400.00
  2. Asset eligibility determination                                                                                   $  6600.00

I hope that you will locate one or two, such as United Health Care and that you and your children qualify for, and then you as a parent will be able to rest a little easier. The state plans do cover doctor visits, emergency assistance, and hospitalization when it becomes necessary. They also offer children’s preventive plans, like a wellness plan offered through many of the major insurance corporations. It really is a matter of which medical health plan is right for you. You may or may not have co-pay, but whatever the amount it will be relatively low and, affordable.

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