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Jan 4th, 2013

Are you planning to cut back on alcohol consumption this year? While this can be challenging especially if you’re a heavy drinker, you need to understand what excessive drinking is doing to your body and the benefits you’ll get once you’ve cut back on alcohol. The following are simple ways to help you curb excessive […]

Jan 2nd, 2013

The holidays are over. We can finally say goodbye to eating all those calorie-rich, fatty foods. Right now, you’re probably feeling heavier, more tired, and bloated than usual. If you want to get back to your old self, you don’t have to go on an extreme diet or workout right away. Follow these easy ways to […]

Dec 28th, 2012

The holidays are a great time for parties. This is our time to indulge in good food and drinks. However, if you fail to pay attention to what your body is saying, you might end up drinking more than you can handle and wake up with a nasty hangover. Although hangovers generally resolve within eight […]

Dec 21st, 2012

We cannot overemphasize the importance of regular exercise. We’ve talked about some tips and tricks you can do if you lack the motivation to visit the gym such as having a gym buddy, wearing your workout clothes, and simply getting yourself to the gym. However, there are days when skipping the gym is the wiser […]


Dec 19th, 2012

Winter is here but don’t let the cold weather stop you, work out during winter. Here are some ways to burn more calories outside while staying safe and warm: 1. Wear the right clothes Wearing too many clothes is one of the most common mistakes people make when working out during winter. You should dress […]

Dec 18th, 2012

It’s the holiday season. For some, it means great time with family and friends; for others, it means stressful days. Many of us fail to stick to our diet because of the holiday rush. We should remember to eat healthy during the holidays to protect us against stress. Here are five foods to fight stress […]

Dec 11th, 2012

Most workers are tied up with their jobs and careers. Some work so hard that their physical health and relationships take the blow. Three out of four Americans find work stressful. While the health effects of workplace stress on Americans often take the spotlight, the economic implications are also alarming. U.S. employers lose an estimated […]

Dec 6th, 2012

The holiday season is near. It’s time for vacation, shopping, and parties. Unfortunately, the season also comes with a price. Many people find it difficult to stick with their healthy habits during this season. We tend to ignore our diet plans and lack the willpower to stick with our regular exercise routine. But that doesn’t […]

Dec 3rd, 2012

Exercise has countless benefits; unfortunately, most of us just find it difficult to do it regularly. We join a gym, start jogging, or enroll in a yoga class, only to quit a few weeks later because we can’t find the time. Exercise should be a habit and not just something we need to find time […]

Nov 30th, 2012

Many people complain of not having enough time to take care of their health. They know that health should be a priority, but their jobs, families, and friends occupy most of their time. Most work long hours during the week and spend their weekends with their kids. They make excuses for not being able to […]

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