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Nov 27th, 2012

Having a good doctor is essential if you want to get the most out of your health coverage. There are primary care physicians, specialists, and even dentists to help you get the right care you need. Unfortunately, finding the right one may not be as easy as checking the web for doctors with five star […]

Nov 21st, 2012

Each one of us will soon be required to have a health insurance policy. Whether you get health coverage from your employer or on your own, you need to know how to get better deals. Buying health insurance can be very confusing, your goal is to find a balance between what you need and what […]

Nov 13th, 2012

We all look forward to Thanksgiving so we can spend some quality time with family and friends. Unfortunately, if you are on a diet or just trying to eat healthy, the holidays can be another source of stress. It can be very tempting to indulge. How you eat during the holidays depends on several factors, […]

Nov 9th, 2012

Didn’t get enough sleep because of your rough and busy schedule? Catching up on your sleep this weekend may not be enough to make up for your bad sleeping habits. You may want to upgrade your sleep habits this weekend so you’ll get more of it every day. Improve your sleeping environment A comfortable bed […]


Nov 6th, 2012

Excessive sugar consumption is one of the main reasons you don’t have your ideal body weight and you can’t achieve your fitness goals. Unfortunately, you may not be aware of exactly how much sugar you consume because it may be camouflaged in some foods you regularly eat. In addition, some people find it hard to […]

Oct 31st, 2012

Many people can’t get by without getting their caffeine fix either from coffee, tea, or sodas. Unfortunately, most of us are not aware of the health risks associated with excessive caffeine consumption. People’s vulnerability to the effects of caffeine varies. In general, consuming moderate amounts has negligible effects on health. Studies conducted by the American […]

Oct 29th, 2012

Being prepared is your best protection against disasters. Hurricanes and blizzards can cripple transportation, communication, electricity, and other services rendering us trapped in our homes. You might be in the middle of the road and get yourself stranded with help still several miles away. Getting lost on a hike is dangerous. A boat trip can […]

Oct 19th, 2012

Weekends can ruin your diet plan if you fail to set proper guidelines. If you don’t pay close attention, you’ll end up throwing the fitness gains you’ve made throughout the week out the window. Don’t let your off days make you gain unwanted pounds. Here are some tips to help you find the balance between […]

Oct 17th, 2012

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Oct 12th, 2012

Repetitive stress injuries or RSIs are injuries caused by repetitive tasks, forceful exertions, poor body positioning, mechanical compression, or vibrations that put stress on any part of the body. Symptoms include pain, inflammation, weakness, and strain. There are more than a hundred types of RSIs and they may lead to tissue damage. These injuries may […]

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