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Jul 30th, 2012

Our digestive tracts hold naturally occurring bacteria that is beneficial to our health. Known as probiotics, these microorganisms are found in fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickles. The following are some of the reasons why adding probiotics to your diet is a very good idea. Promote balance of healthy bacteria A healthy balance […]


Jul 26th, 2012

Health experts agree that sitting for long periods of time is dangerous. Our bodies are not designed to hold the same position for eight or nine hours a day. Sitting for too long is linked to cancer, blood clots, and obesity as it interferes with circulation and metabolic functions. Unfortunately, we still live in a world […]

Jul 26th, 2012

Pertussis,  or more commonly known as whooping cough, is recently reported to be plaguing a number of states including Washington, Wisconsin , New York, Minnesota and Arizona. Almost 18,000 cases had already been reported. This makes it the highest since 1959. Out of this number, nine had already died. Whooping cough not only affects children […]

Jul 26th, 2012

Getting health insurance coverage can be difficult if you are self-employed. Without an employer shouldering a portion of your healthcare, costs can be expensive. Your premium rates might also be higher compared to those who are employed. If you are self-employed, it is important that you learn how to choose the proper health insurance plan […]

Jul 23rd, 2012

Almost all of us enjoy a good barbecue especially during the summer. We love preparing and eating grilled food whether it’s burger, chicken, or ribs. However, these foods may be high in fat, salt, sugar. The grilling process can also add carcinogenic substances to the food. Here are some tips to reduce barbecue risks. Go […]

Jul 23rd, 2012

Summer is a great time to start and establish an exercise routine. We all know the many benefits of exercise but most of us can barely keep up with it. An effective exercise regimen combines aerobic, weight training, and stretching to be fully effective. The following are tips on how to start your workout schedule. […]

Jul 20th, 2012

Most people choose coffee over tea. After all, they say that coffee is the drink of of the gods. But recent studies trumpet the various health benefits of tea and coffee is now at the back of the line. It has been touted enough that one is compelled to think  that tea is a cure-all […]

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Jul 19th, 2012

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a commonly diagnosed disorder among American kids. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 5 million, or 9 percent of children aged 3 to 7 years have ADHD. Children with ADHD have a combination of three behavioral characteristics: hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention — which parents […]


Jul 17th, 2012

Many people are choosing the self employed route to take better control of their lives. They may feel like they have to get away from a job that holds them back. Though many self employed persons are the result of corporate downsizing.  regardless of how they arrived at being self employed.  They soon find out a […]

Jul 16th, 2012

I’m sure everyone has had their share of “blushing moments”. But how would it feel if you are chronically blushing? I think it’s not something that I  would want to experience. In Seattle  Washington, a  20-year-old boy committed suicide because his blushing had become “unbearable”. This is according to a report in MSNBC. Generally, people […]

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