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Jul 13th, 2012

A new study revealed that kids who live in the city are more prone to food allergies than those living in rural areas. There’s  almost 6 million children, or one in every thirteen children across the country have food  allergies. Based on the study, the most common allergens are peanuts and shellfish.  2.8 percent  of […]

Jul 13th, 2012

High blood sugar can lead to serious medical complications for those who suffer from diabetes. It can cause organ damage, nerve damage, circulation impairment, renal problems, and hypertension. If left unchecked, it can lead to blindness and amputation. To keep blood sugar under control, it is important look after what you eat. Create a diet […]

Jul 13th, 2012

Allergies happen when our immune system overreacts to normally harmless substances in the environment. Common symptoms include red eyes, itchiness, hives, and runny nose. There are many over-the-counter medications available to provide relief. Unfortunately, they cannot prevent allergies from recurring and they can cause side effects like drowsiness. Instead of relying on medications, you can […]

Jul 9th, 2012

People who count the calories they consume, turn to diet sodas. After all, sugar is the only thing that make colas bad for your health, right? Not so. Diet colas contain Aspartame, which is a much-debated ingredient in diet food and beverages. They are commonly known as Equal, Nutrasweet, Spoonful, Sweet One and Equal-Measure. Aspartame […]


Jul 6th, 2012

Sugary soda drinks can spell a big difference in your weight loss plan. A single can of soda has an average of 155 calories while a 20 ounce serving can pack more than 200 calories. Soda may have very little or no fat, but they are overloaded with sugar owing to their use of high-fructose […]

Jul 5th, 2012

Drinking alcohol can ruin your diet, especially if you don’t  know how to count calories. Some diet plans allow you just a bit of alcohol on occasion, while other diets strictly forbid it. If you’re on a diet and you simply cannot avoid alcohol, you should be aware of your drink’s caloric content and count […]

Jul 3rd, 2012

Are you trying to lose weight but having a hard time controlling your appetite? Does thinking about eating less make you hungry more? You may think  that this is too good to be true but researchers from Tel Aviv University suggest that eating dessert at breakfast can actually help you lose weight. People usually eat […]


Jul 2nd, 2012

Allergies are often linked with being  outdoors. We often associate them with irritants like pollen and bee stings. However, indoor allergies are also very common and have become almost as popular as outdoor allergens. Thanks to devices like vacuum cleaners and HEPA filters, we can keep allergens to a minimum. Here are some ways to […]

Jun 29th, 2012

Jesse Michener, a mother in Tacoma, Washington  was furious after seeing that her daughters’ skin got burned. Her daughter had spent five hours on a school field trip without sunscreen. School policy does not allow children to apply sunscreen unless they have a doctor’s permit. This law exists in all states except California. The reason […]

Jun 27th, 2012

For Several years, red meat has been taking a lot of negative publicity. However, the link between lean red meat and body fat buildup is still unclear. It is true that fatty cuts of beef are rich in saturated fat and full of calories, but that doesn’t mean you have to eliminate lean red meat […]

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