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May 11th, 2012

Summer is right around the corner- are you still carrying around your holiday weight? Getting your body ready for the beach will take a lot of hard work and dedication. There are no shortcuts. There is no wonder drug that can bring you optimum health and fitness. Depriving yourself of your favorite food and drink […]

May 9th, 2012

It’s mom’s day once again! The time of the year when mothers are appreciated for their tireless efforts every day – preparing meals, doing the laundry, cleaning the house, buying groceries, cleaning up after the kids, sending them to school, paying bills… and the list goes on. Most mothers have to juggle work and taking […]

May 3rd, 2012

The soybean is a popular legume native to Southeast Asia. Soy had been known to bring a lot of health benefits. It is often regarded as a good source of non-animal protein, iron, calcium, fibers, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and vitamin B complex among others. Soy products had been known to lower the risk of heart […]

May 3rd, 2012

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States. In 2008, the disease caused almost a quarter of the total deaths in the country, claiming more than 615,000 lives. Furthermore, more than 785,000 Americans experience their first heart attack each year. In 2010, coronary heart disease cost Americans approximately $108.9 billion […]


May 2nd, 2012

Child obesity in America has reached epidemic levels these past few years. In fact, a third of the country’s children are overweight. Physicians and health experts look at two primary reasons as the cause of this problem: lack of physical activity and poor nutrition. Children nowadays are simply not eating the right kind of food. […]

Apr 18th, 2012

There are many things to consider when making changes in food choices and exercise habits. And although several weight loss plans work at the start, we still need to maintain the results we’ve gained. Sticking to a plan and maintaining the results already achieved can be very difficult, especially when we are surrounded by a […]

Apr 13th, 2012

Benjamin Franklin once said, “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” His intention was to stress the importance of rising early. But in this fast-paced world where getting adequate sleep has become a challenge, it’s also important to point out the importance of going to sleep early. According to […]

Apr 11th, 2012

We all experience stress everyday. A healthy stress level keeps us motivated to accomplish our tasks. However, having too much of it can have a negative impact and disrupt how we function. Once we go over our stress limits, we tend to find quick fixes and sometimes do more harm than good. The next time […]

Apr 6th, 2012

It’s Easter soon and a lot of us may be looking forward to indulging in chocolate. Years ago, people did so with guilt. Chocolates, as with any other candy, were associated with tooth decay and added calories. As they say, “if it tastes so good, it must be bad for you”. Or is it? Recent […]


Apr 4th, 2012

If you have been feeling down and in a slump lately, it might be you are not getting a good night’s sleep. With quality sleep, we feel better, have clearer thoughts, and have more control of our emotions. Without it, our mood, judgment, and learning skills are in disarray. Many things can affect our ability […]


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