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Apr 13th, 2012

Benjamin Franklin once said, “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” He intended to stress the importance of rising early. But in this fast-paced world where getting adequate sleep has become a challenge, it’s also important to point out the importance of going to sleep early. According to a […]


Apr 11th, 2012

We all experience stress every day. A healthy stress level keeps us motivated to accomplish our tasks. However, having too much of it can have a negative impact and disrupt how we function. Once we go over our stress limits, we tend to find quick fixes and sometimes do more harm than good. The next […]


Apr 6th, 2012

It’s Easter soon and a lot of us may be looking forward to indulging in chocolate. Years ago, people did so with guilt. Chocolates, as with any other candy, were associated with tooth decay and added calories. As they say, “If it tastes so good, it must be bad for you”. Or is it? Recent […]


Apr 4th, 2012

If you have been feeling down and in a slump lately, it might be you are not getting a good night’s sleep. With quality sleep, we feel better, have clearer thoughts, and have more control of our emotions. Without it, our mood, judgment, and learning skills are in disarray. Many things can affect our ability […]


Feb 27th, 2012

Boys 11 years old and above should be given Gardasil vaccine to help protect them against Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infections, which causes genital warts and certain cancers like oral, penile, and anal, according to the nation’s biggest group of pediatricians. “We are trying to push Gardasil as a cancer vaccine,” according to Dr. Michael Brady […]


Feb 21st, 2012

Hepatitis C cases have been steadily increasing to claim more lives in the United States in recent years; and in many cases, patients do not even know they have the disease, a recent government report finds. Data reviewed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that from 1999-2007, more Americans have […]

Feb 17th, 2012

Getting sick may just be a matter of time. Our vulnerability to infection can vary at different times of the day, a recent study in the U.S. found. The study, published in the journal Immunity, was based on the findings about a specific protein in the immune system which was affected by changes in body […]

Feb 17th, 2012

A sweetener commonly added to powdered baby formula, and some organic and gluten-free foods may be a cause for concern. Researchers have found that these products may contain dangerously high amounts of arsenic. Brian P. Jackson, environmental chemist and director of the Trace Element Analysis Core Facility at Dartmouth University, announced that his team found […]

Feb 16th, 2012

A popular drug designed to help patients quit smoking also significantly reduced the amount of alcohol consumed by a heavy drinker, a new study found. According to researchers from the Yale School of Medicine, heavy-drinking smokers are less likely to grab a drink after taking the anti-smoking drug varenicline compared to the placebo group. The […]

Feb 15th, 2012

The U.S. government recovered close to $4.1 billion lost to fraudulent healthcare schemes during the 2011 fiscal year, administration officials revealed on Tuesday. This is an almost 58% increase from 2009. “This is a very big achievement, this figure is the highest we’ve ever recovered in a single year,” according to Attorney General Eric Holder. […]

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