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Feb 2nd, 2012

Anyone who has a family member or a close friend suffering from liver cancer understands all that the individual must tolerate to find answers. Along with the traditional medical treatments is a new treatment called genomic. This is a new method for identifying the cancer-causing agents that are causing liver cancer to grow and spread. […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

Many employers of large corporations have utilized the last two months of each year to offer open enrollment period insurance to their full-time employees and some to their part-time employees. The stress levels and anger, on the part of the employees are heard loud and clear because of the confusion of what an affordable health […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

Verifying employment status for the freelance and self-employed entrepreneurs can be very difficult. This is a topic that is seldom discussed out in the open but becomes a major issue when the freelance and self-employed entrepreneur wants to apply for a business loan and for self-employed health insurance. If it feels like you are jumping […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

Anorexia health treatment is dependent upon how much coverage an individual possesses with their low-cost health insurance policy. Anorexia is another issue with the insurance providers, which is considered to be a self-inflicted pre-existing health condition. The insurance providers have difficulties with coverage for anorexia because this can reoccur at any point in time when […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

Wrapped inside the pages of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a passage that reflects upon how long-term medical care will be dealt with in the years to come. There is a passage that represents the Community Living Assistance Services and Support Act or CLASS, as it will be called. This part of […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

The insurance providers are not very happy campers these days and there are probably many individuals who are smiling because of this. The health insurance companies have decided to band together to try to lobby Congress to possibly change a few of the restrictions that were written into the health reform bill that was passed […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

Children who are diagnosed with one of the forms of Autism receive all the love and medical care that their parents can afford. The state is a last option resort for the parents because they want what is best for their child. This is a very difficult path for an afflicted individual and their surrounding […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

We the people in the public realm refer to the complex developmental brain disorders that affect certain individuals as autism. This is the clean, neat, and tidy version to cover up what is really going on, especially with boys, though girls are diagnosed with autism too. Other more technical terms used by the medical health […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

COBRA insurance has been a great stopgap measure for all employees enrolled in the temporary insurance program. This is a last resort when an employee finds himself or herself in a position of being fired or laid off. In most cases, the COBRA health insurance, which is offered through the current employer, is a relatively […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

The health care reform bill was explained away to the mass population as a tremendous cost saver with health care coverage for all. Every citizen will have equal health care coverage for a minimal cost that will easily fit into every household budget, unlike what the current health insurance providers are able to offer. We […]

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