Jan 18th, 2012
A recent study by British scientists shows that constantly checking up on your smartphone may not actually be a smart move. This alarming observation was based on a recent study that found a link between frequent use of modern internet-enabled cellphones and rising stress levels. Stress from using smartphones arises when the user feels a […]
Jan 12th, 2012
Scientists at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute have recently discovered a hormone naturally found in muscle cells. The hormone activates the calorie-burning benefits of exercise and may be potentially used to fight obesity. The hormone known as irisin increases during periods of intense physical activity and converts white fat into brown fat, a substance that […]
Jan 11th, 2012
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced it will increase its efforts in testing for fungicide recently detected in small quantities in orange juice. FDA assured the public that the safety of the product is not a concern at the moment and that they will step up testing to make sure there is […]
Jan 9th, 2012
There are several things you can do to take advantage of self-employment tax deductions. With enough information, you can maximize your tax deductions. It is nice to learn that the law allows you to deduct the cost of health insurance coverage from your tax payments. The first step is to find out if you are […]
Jan 6th, 2012
Cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and strokes account for about 60% or nearly two million of all deaths in the United States annually. Studies show that the risk for developing these diseases can be greatly reduced by adhering to a plant-based or vegetarian diet. Vegetarians generally have less chance of developing these deadly diseases, thus they require […]
Jan 4th, 2012
Hypertension or high blood pressure results from a higher-than-normal pressure in the arteries. There are several factors that may cause this condition, including smoking, being overweight, high salt in the diet, excessive alcohol intake, and many others. Having a blood pressure reading above 140/90 is considered high. This condition can add stress to the heart […]
Jan 3rd, 2012
Finding affordable health insurance coverage takes a lot of hard work. It is important for Americans to hurdle this challenge. A moderate injury or illness can lead to thousands of dollars in medical bills without health insurance coverage. There are several factors that can affect your medical health insurance rates. Smoking is one of these […]
Dec 30th, 2011
Americans following the health care reform saga since March 2010 now have a chance to be part of the last parts of the drama. According to a USA Today report, TV media leaders and the Congress is asking the court to allow the hearings to be televised. They conducted a survey and the result showed […]
Nov 16th, 2011
carriers. This is after Governor Cuomo urged insurers to make public the details as to why there is a need for them to increase their premiums. Health insurers who wanted to increase their premiums by at least 10% came to DFS with their application. The health care reform requires them to seek approval from the […]
Nov 14th, 2011
Healthy NY has recently announced that beginning January 1st of next year, the NY health insurance program will no longer be offering traditional HMO plans (health maintenance organization). New enrollees can only choose between HDHP (high deductible health plans) with drug coverage or HDHP without drug coverage. HMO plans have been the popular choice over […]