Oct 25th, 2013
Welcome to our final week of coverage for the first month of the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchange marketplace. And wow, it certainly had been one heck of a month. For those of you just joining us, the state and federal health insurance marketplaces of the Affordable Care Act opened for business to the […]
Oct 18th, 2013
Well, that was a scary couple of minutes there with the whole government shutdown and the looming possibility of a quite destructive national debt default. But now that all that drama is over (for the moment at least), what does it mean for the Affordable Care Act and the federal health insurance exchange, now in […]
Oct 11th, 2013
It’s been just about two weeks since the Affordable Care Act’s state health exchanges, or exchanges opened for business. Their first week was pretty rough. Despite the crush of millions of people looking to sign up for health insurance, many could not because of technical issues with the exchange websites. Federal health exchange The worst […]
Oct 4th, 2013
On Tuesday morning (10/1) the state health insurance exchanges, an integral part of the much-vaunted, but highly divisive Affordable Care Act opened for businesses. The date officially marked the start of the ACA’s open enrollment period for 2014, which will continue through until March 31, 2014. Just as a refresher for those who don’t know, […]
Sep 27th, 2013
On October 1st we finally get to see a bit of what the Affordable Care Act is made out of. That’s less than a week away as of this writing (4 days actually). In case you haven’t heard yet, the Affordable Care Act’s state health insurance marketplaces will open for business starting on October 1st. […]
Sep 19th, 2013
This week Walgreens, the country’s largest chain pharmacy, announced that next year it will be dropping its traditional employer-sponsored health insurance plans and moving its 160,000 workers onto a private health insurance exchange in 2014 to find coverage. The company chose the private exchange run by the global management company Aon Hewitt officially known as […]
Sep 13th, 2013
We all know that America’s healthcare system needs some work, and getting that work done is not easy judging from how difficult it’s been to get the Affordable Care Act this far. But what role might our healthcare dysfunction play in the country’s overall state of happiness? This week the United Nations released their 2013 […]
Sep 5th, 2013
In less than a month now the first major provision of the Affordable Care Act will come into being: the establishment of state and federal health insurance marketplaces. The marketplaces, also known as exchanges, are set to open on October 1 and will sell federally subsidized health insurance plans that go into effect on Jan. […]
Aug 28th, 2013
This time last year Papa John’s CEO John Schnatter made waves after he announced his opposition to Obamacare saying that the legislation would force his company to raise prices and lay off employees. With a net worth of over $600 million, Schnatter’s comments were quickly seized upon and what followed was a harsh public backlash. […]
Aug 19th, 2013
A hearty congratulations to Greg Martino of Walworth New York for winning our 2013 Vista Health Solutions Scholarship! Greg is a high school athlete who has struggled with multiple food intolerances, which he chronicled in his essay. We sat down and had a talk with Greg about his background and plans for the future. […]