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May 7th, 2010

The health care industry is in major turmoil, but it has been for a few decades. It is only now that the insurance industry has risen to the top and is the focus of attention, but why? They surely have been struggling for a long time, yet they have all been able to manage and […]

May 5th, 2010

How many different types of insurance policies do the average individual and family possess at any given time of their adult life? You would be surprised to find out the answer, yet your health insurance policy will, in most cases, be the most valuable document you will ever own simply because it is intertwined with […]

May 3rd, 2010

Universal health care after you try to read all the information there is on this topic suggests it is not all that it is built up to be. The building blocks for a utopian society, has been tried before and does not hold up. Communal systems do work when there are a small number of […]

Apr 30th, 2010

Throughout the school system today there are at any time upwards of thirty million students enrolled.  The schools, health insurance providers, and parents are very aware of this fact. When you initiate sports programs into these schools with this many students you are aware that accidents will happen. Athletic trainers, physical therapists, and pediatricians are […]

Apr 29th, 2010

Heal pain is one that many individuals have at some point in their life. Many times, it stops as quickly as it begins. Other times individuals, especially in the sports arena, must see the team medical health care physician. When the foot pain becomes more severe and affects the player’s ability to continue playing they […]

Apr 28th, 2010

What happens to individuals when they finally decide it is time to retire. What happens to their long-term health insurance coverage that they grew so comfortable with over the past twenty-five years, thirty years, or longer? Actually, what happens to your employer base low cost health insurance really depends upon when you decided to retire. […]

Apr 26th, 2010

Perhaps it depends upon which side of the fence an individual is on these days as to the position of views they deem important. Health care is just as important an issue as health insurance, but the path used to justify the end result may be a very upsetting and rocky one. Today there are […]

Apr 23rd, 2010

Medicare Advantage is a health insurance addendum to the more traditional Medicare health insurance plan. For the most part Medicare Advantage picks up the slack in health insurance benefits that the traditional Medicare enrollment plan is deficient. Granted not all of the senior citizens across the country are financially able to afford the additional fee, […]

Apr 22nd, 2010

All union groups around the country are another target of the new health care provision that has been discussed for a long time. It is surprising that the collective unions are a target because they have pushed and have supported universal health care for years. Yet, now they are finding themselves on the other side […]

Apr 21st, 2010

The various sports professionals from horse jockeys to roller derby are slowly moving away from the health insurance pools and turning toward the individual health insurance option. These same sports professionals are finding they require a more comprehensive health insurance plan to see them and their family members through to the years when they will […]

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