Aug 16th, 2013
We’re still fat, but we’re not getting much fatter is the finding of a new report from the Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). The report found that the overall obesity rates in America (all but one state) held steady in contrast to the 30-year trend of overall increases. Woo […]
Aug 9th, 2013
We all remember the late, great Steve Jobs. He was the man who revolutionized the way that we use technology. From the iMac to the iPhone his creative dreams are the everyday work solutions for millions of people around the world (you can tell I used to work at the Apple Store right?). Jobs died […]
Aug 1st, 2013
Here we are in August at the height of summer. It’s that special time of year for relaxation in the sun and BBQs, the quintessential American way of life. But with outdoor food and fun, that also means more opportunities for exposure to allergy-causing foods. Tragic Result of Food Allergies The tragic story this week, […]
Jul 26th, 2013
Lyme disease affects millions of Americans every year, and the number of infections is growing steadily. The disease is caused by a species of bacteria found in deer ticks. Contraction of Lyme disease happens when individuals are exposed to ticks, usually in outdoor settings such as parks, grass, and woodland areas. Tick bites result in […]
Jul 10th, 2013
Congratulations America! We did it! We’re no longer the world’s fattest developed country! It’s time to celebrate with cupcakes maybe? According to a new report from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the percent of obesity in America among adults is 31.8 percent, which is just one percent lower than the new reigning champion […]
Jul 3rd, 2013
Working for yourself is the American dream. Just think about it, no more bosses ordering you around, no morning commute to worry about, getting to work in your underwear all day, no self-employed health insurance…wait what? Yes, that’s right, self-employment doesn’t come with health insurance. Sadly it is one of the dark sides of being […]
Jun 27th, 2013
This week, people across the nation are celebrating the end of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) following the Supreme Court’s decision to rule part of the law unconstitutional. The section of the law that was in question defined marriage as between one man and one woman for all federal purposes. For married same-sex couples, […]
Jun 19th, 2013
It’s been nearly six years since Michael Moore released his 2007 documentary “Sicko” profiling uninsured Americans and the inadequacies of the American healthcare system. Moore’s unique, witty take on the subject of American healthcare struck a chord with audiences, raking in over $24 million. The film sparked some lively debate on all sides of the […]
Jun 12th, 2013
When the major provisions of the Affordable Care Act go into effect next year all of America will be seeing some changes when it comes to health insurance. But there are a few groups who will be seeing some undeniably positive changes next year because of the law. Changes like the elimination of pre-existing conditions, […]
Jun 5th, 2013
What is the Affordable Care Act’s Prevention and Public Health Fund? It’s been in the news a fair bit lately. When the Affordable Care Act was signed into law in March 2010 it created a fund that was expected to invest 15 billion dollars over its first 10 years towards improving public health, called the […]