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Mar 21st, 2013

If you find yourself busy and under a lot of stress, going through your exercise routine might be the last thing on your mind. Fortunately, there are so many things you can do to keep you fitness level up even if you don’t have time to hit the gym. Adding moderate physical activities throughout your […]


Mar 19th, 2013

Do you find yourself at the gym regularly but still can’t get the results you want. Want to get the most of your gym? Check out these bad gym habits that might be ruining your workout: Sticking to the same routine If you want results, your workout must evolve according to your body’s capacity. Trying […]

Mar 15th, 2013

Enrollment in health insurance exchanges across the nation should begin on Oct. 1, 2013. Several states are scrambling to set up their own marketplaces to meet the deadline, but it looks like the U.S. government could end up running more exchanges than expected under the new healthcare law. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act […]

Mar 14th, 2013

Getting fit doesn’t start and end at the gym. What you do during the entire day can actually affect your workout results. Here are some things that might be ruining your workout goals. Wearing heels all the time Wearing heels may look good for some women, but it can also damage your workout efforts. A […]

Mar 11th, 2013

Belly fat does not only make you look bad, it is also the most dangerous type of fat. Beer bellies can indicate the presence of diseases such as diabetes, heart problems, or even cancer. If you want to lose your belly fat, you need to do more than just crunches and get right into the […]

Mar 7th, 2013

Stress can drive us to get things moving forward. However, too much of it can also cause many problems. Proper relaxation is one of the remedies we can take to let off some steam. Here are some scientifically proven  health benefits of relaxation  to remember the next time you tune out and switch off from […]

Mar 5th, 2013

Healthy diet and exercise can boost your metabolism to help you lose weight. Increasing metabolism is necessary to burn more calories, get rid of fat, and lift your energy throughout the day. While your metabolic rate is generally dictated by your gender, age, and physical activity, you can certainly take control of your metabolism in […]

Feb 27th, 2013

Working out on an empty stomach won’t give you enough energy to perform your tasks. However, eating too much or the wrong kinds of food before your workout might just be as bad because all your energy might be used up for digestion. The following are some foods you should avoid before a workout. you […]

Feb 25th, 2013

Some people have a difficult time staying on their diet because they feel too famished to last all day, making losing weight  seem like its an uphill battle. Watching your calorie intake doesn’t mean that you should eat so little to the point of getting hungry. Here are seven ways to lose weight and feel […]

Feb 22nd, 2013

If you’re an average American, chances are you’re spending most of your day sitting down. You sit in your workplace, going to and from work, and watching TV or surfing the web. Several studies have shown that sitting too much can cause major health problems and can offset the benefits of your workout. The following […]

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